Operator's Manual

Figure 47
1. Air cleaner primary lter
Figure 48
1. Air cleaner safety lter
Important: Nev er attempt to clean the
safety filter ( Figur e 48 ). R eplace the safety
filter with a new one after ev er y thr ee
primar y filter ser vices.
4. R e place the primar y filter ( Figure 47 ).
5. Inser t the new filter b y applying pressure to
the outer rim of the element to seat it in the
canister . Do not apply pressure to the flexible
center of the filter .
6. Clean the dir t ejection por t located in the
remo v able co v er . R emo v e the r ubber outlet
v alv e from the co v er , clean the ca vity and
re place the outlet v alv e .
7. Install the co v er orienting the r ubber outlet
v alv e ( Figure 46 ) in a do wnw ard position -
betw een appro ximately 5:00 to 7:00 when
view ed from the end. Secure the latc h.
Servicing the Engine Oil and
Chang e the oil and filter initially after the first 50
hours of operation; thereafter c hang e the oil and
filter ev er y 150 hours .
1. R emo v e either drain plug ( Figure 49 ) and let
the oil flo w into a drain pan. W hen the oil
stops , install the drain plug .
Figure 49
1. Engine oil drain plug
2. R emo v e the oil filter ( Figure 50 ). Apply a light
coat of clean oil to the new filter seal before
screwing it on. Do not o v er tighten.
Figure 50
1. Engine oil lter
3. Add oil to the crankcase; refer to Chec king the
Engine Oil.