Operator's Manual

1. Diseng ag e the PTO and set the parking brak e .
2. Stop the engine , remo v e the k ey , and w ait for
all mo ving par ts to stop before lea ving the
operating position.
3. R emo v e the knobs/r ubber w ashers holding
the car rier frame co v er and remo v e the car rier
frame co v er .
4. R emo v e the knobs/r ubber w ashers holding
the belt co v ers to the top of the cutting unit
and remo v e the belt co v ers .
5. R emo v e the heat shield from the engine dec k
and car rier frame .
6. R emo v e the idler spring from idler ar m.
R emo v e the dri v e belt from the PTO clutc h
pulley , idler pulleys and the left spindle pulley
( Figure 50 ).
7. Install the new dri v e belt onto the PTO
eng ag ement pulley and the top g roo v e of the
center spindle pulley ( Figure 50 ).
8. Install the belt onto idler pulleys and then
install idler spring ( Figure 50 ).
9. Install the heat shield to the engine dec k and
car rier frame .
10. Adjust the belt guide an 1/8 inc h (3 mm) from
the belt ( Figure 50 ).
11. Install the belt co v ers onto the cutting unit,
then reinstall and tighten the knobs/r ubber
w ashers .
12. Install the car rier frame co v er onto the
cutting unit, then reinstall and tighten the
knobs/r ubber w ashers .
Figure 50
1. PTO engagement pulley 4. Center sprindle pulley
2. PTO drive belt idler pulley 5. PTO drive belt guide
3. PTO drive Belt 6. Idler spring
Mower Deck
Servicing the Cutting Blades
T o ensure a superior quality of cut, k ee p the
blades shar p . F or con v enient shar pening and
re placement, y ou ma y w ant to k ee p extra blades
on hand.
A w or n or dama ged blade can br eak, and a
piece of the blade could be thr o wn into the
operator’ s or bystander’ s ar ea, r esulting in
serious per sonal injur y or death.
Inspect the blade periodicall y f or w ear
or dama ge.
R eplace a w or n or dama ged blade.
Before Inspecting or Servicing the
P ark the mac hine on a lev el surface , diseng ag e
the blade control bail and set the parking brak e .
T ur n the ignition k ey to off . R emo v e the k ey and
disconnect the spark plug wire(s) from the spark