Operator's Manual

Note: Deter mine the left and right sides of the mac hine from the nor mal operating position.
Recommended Maintenance Schedule(s)
Maintenance Service
Maintenance Procedure
After the rst 8 operating
Change the engine oil.
Before each use or daily
Check the safety interlock system.
Grease the caster wheels and caster pivot.
Check the engine oil level.
Clean the air intake screen.
Check the brakes.
Inspect the blades.
Every 25 hours
Clean foam air cleaner element.
Every 50 hours
Grease the PTO belt idler.
Grease the mower deck belt idler.
Check the paper air cleaner element.
Check the tire pressure.
Check the traction drive belt.
Check the transmission belt.
Check the mower belt.
Every 100 hours
Change the engine oil.
Check the spark plugs.
Adjust the electric clutch.
Every 200 hours
Replace the paper air cleaner element.
Replace the oil lter.
Replace the fuel lter.
Every 250 hours
Grease the transmission couplers (more often in dirty or dusty conditions).
Every 400 hours
Grease the wheel bearings (more often in dirty or dusty conditions).
Before storage
Paint chipped surfaces.
Perform all maintenance procedures listed above before storage.
Important: R efer to y our engine operator’ s man ual f or additional maintenance pr ocedur es.
If y ou lea v e the k ey in the ignition s witch, someone could accidentl y star t the engine and
seriousl y injur e y ou or other bystander s.
R emo v e the k ey fr om the ignition and disconnect the spar k plug wir e fr om the spar k plug(s)
bef or e y ou do an y maintenance. Set the wir e aside so that it does not accidentall y contact
the spar k plug .
Grease with No . 2 g eneral pur pose lithium base or
molybden um base g rease .
How to Grease
1. Diseng ag e the PTO and set the parking brak e .