Operator's Manual

Childr en or bystander s may be injur ed if
they mo v e or attempt to operate the machine
while it is unattended.
Al w ays r emo v e the ignition k ey and set the
par king brak e when lea ving the machine
unattended, ev en if just f or a few min utes.
Transporting Machines
Use a hea vy-duty trailer or tr uc k to transpor t the
mac hine . Ensure that the trailer or tr uc k has all
necessar y lighting and marking as required b y la w .
Please carefully read all the safety instr uctions .
Kno wing this infor mation could help y ou, y our
family , pets or b ystanders a v oid injur y .
T o transpor t the mac hine:
1. If using a trailer , connect it to the to wing
v ehicle and connect the safety c hains .
2. Load the mac hine onto the trailer or tr uc k.
3. Stop the engine , remo v e the k ey , set the brak e ,
and close the fuel v alv e .
4. Securely fasten the mac hine to the trailer or
tr uc k with straps , c hains , cable , or ropes .
Side Discharging or
Mulching the Grass
T his mo w er has a hing ed g rass deflector that
disperses clippings to the side and do wn to w ard
the turf .
W ithout the g rass deflector , discharge
co v er , or complete g rass catcher assembl y
mounted in place, y ou and other s ar e
exposed to blade contact and thr o wn de bris.
Contact with r otating mo w er blade(s) and
thr o wn de bris will cause injur y or death.
Nev er r emo v e the g rass deflector fr om
the mo w er because the g rass deflector
r outes material do wn to w ard the turf.
If the g rass deflector is ev er dama ged,
r eplace it immediatel y .
Nev er put y our hands or feet under the
mo w er .
Nev er tr y to clear discharge ar ea or
mo w er blades unless y ou r elease the
bail and the po w er tak e of f (PT O) is
of f. R otate the ignition k ey to Of f. Also
r emo v e the k ey and pull the wir e of f the
spar k plug(s).
Adjusting the Height-of-Cut
T he height-of-cut can be adjusted from 1 to
4-1/2 inc h (25 to 114 mm) in 1/4 inc h (6 mm)
increments . Adjustment is done b y relocating four
hair pin cotter pins in different hole location and
b y adding or remo ving spacers .
Note: All height-of-cut pins need at least one
spacer or damag e can occur to bushing if none
are used.
Note: All height-of-cut pins can use only tw o
spacers maxim um.
1. Select hole in height-of-cut post and n umber
of spacers cor responding to the height-of-cut
desired ( Figure 23 ).
2. Using the lift handle , raise side of dec k and
remo v e hair pin cotter ( Figure 23 ).
3. Add or remo v e spacers if needed and then
align holes and inser t hair pin cotter ( Figure 23 ).
Note: Spare height-of-cut spacers ma y be
stored on posts and retained b y a hair pin cotter .
Important: All f our hair pin cotter pins
must be in the same hole location and with
the cor r ect n umber of spacer s f or a lev el