Operator's Manual

Using the Lower Control Bar
T his procedure is for dri ving up a curb . T his can
be perfor med while dri ving forw ard or bac kw ard.
Note: Some curbs do not allo w the rear dri v e
tires to contact the curb . If this happens , dri v e the
mac hine up the curb at an angle .
A blade can be bent or dama ged when
dri ving up a curb . Pieces of blade that may
be thr o wn could seriousl y injur e or kill y ou
or bystander s.
Do not r un blades while dri ving up a curb
f orw ard or backw ard.
Driving Forward Up a Curb
1. Diseng ag e the mo w er blades .
2. Select first g ear to dri v e the mac hine .
3. Dri v e mac hine until the castor wheels contact
curb ( Figure 22 ).
4. Lift the front of the mac hine b y pushing do wn
on the lo w er handle ( Figure 22 ).
5. Dri v e the mac hine until dri v e wheels contact
the curb ( Figure 22 ).
6. Lo w er the front of the mac hine ( Figure 22 ).
Note: Both dri v e wheels should contact the
curb and caster wheels straight.
7. At the same time eng ag e the lo w er control bar
and lift up on the lo w er handle to dri v e o v er
the curb ( Figure 21 and Figure 22 ).
Note: Lifting up on the lo w er handle will
assist dri ving the mac hine up a curb and not
spin the dri v e wheels .
Figure 22
1. Lower Control Bar engaged
and mower in reverse.
3. Lower Control Bar engaged
and mower going forward.
2. Pull up to assist machine
Driving Backward Up a Curb
1. Diseng ag e the mo w er blades .
2. Select rev erse to dri v e mac hine .
3. Dri v e the mac hine until dri v e wheels contact
curb ( Figure 22 ).
Note: Both dri v e wheels should contact the
curb and caster wheels straight.
4. At the same time eng ag e lo w er control bar
and lift up on the lo w er handle ( Figure 21 and
Figure 22 ).
Note: Lifting up on the lo w er handle will
assist dri ving the mac hine up a curb and not
spin the dri v e wheels .
Stopping the Machine
T o stop the mac hine , pull bac k on the upper
control bar , release the blade control bail, and
tur n the ignition k ey to off . Also set the parking
brak e if y ou lea v e the mac hine unattended; refer to
Setting the P arking Brak e in Operation , pag e 19 .
R emember to remo v e the k ey from the ignition
switc h.