Operator's Manual

Stop equipment and inspect blades after
striking objects or if an abnor mal vibration
occurs . Mak e necessar y re pairs before
resuming operations .
K ee p hands and feet a w a y from the cutting
Look behind and do wn before bac king up to
be sure of a clear path.
K ee p pets and b ystanders a w a y .
Slo w do wn and use caution when making tur ns
and crossing roads and sidew alks . Stop blades
if not mo wing .
Be a w are of the mo w er disc harg e direction and
do not point it at any one .
Do not operate the mo w er under the influence
of alcohol or dr ugs .
Use care when loading or unloading the
mac hine into or from a trailer or tr uc k.
Use care when approac hing blind cor ners ,
shr ubs , trees , or other objects that ma y obscure
Maintenance and storage
Diseng ag e dri v es , set parking brak e , stop
engine and remo v e k ey or disconnect spark
plug wire . W ait for all mo v ement to stop
before adjusting, cleaning or re pairing .
Clean g rass and debris from cutting unit,
dri v es , m ufflers , and engine to help prev ent
fires . Clean up oil or fuel spillag e .
Let engine cool before storing and do not store
near flame .
Shut off fuel while storing or transpor ting . Do
not store fuel near flames or drain indoors .
P ark mac hine on lev el g round. Set parking
brak e . Nev er allo w untrained personnel to
ser vice mac hine .
Use jac k stands to suppor t components when
Carefully release pressure from components
with stored energ y .
Disconnect the batter y or remo v e spark plug
wire before making any re pairs . Disconnect
the neg ati v e ter minal first and the positi v e last.
R econnect the positi v e first and neg ati v e last.
Use care when c hec king blades . W rap the
blade(s) or w ear glo v es , and use caution when
ser vicing them. Only re place blades . Nev er
straighten or w eld them.
K ee p hands and feet a w a y from mo ving par ts .
If possible , do not mak e adjustments with the
engine r unning .
K ee p all par ts in g ood w orking condition and
all hardw are tightened. R e place all w or n or
damag ed decals .
Toro Mower Safety
T he follo wing list contains safety infor mation
specific to T oro products and other safety
infor mation y ou m ust kno w .
T his product is capable of amputating hands and
feet and thro wing objects . Alw a ys follo w all safety
instr uctions to a v oid serious injur y or death.
T his product is designed for cutting and recycling
g rass or , when equipped with a g rass bag g er , for
catc hing cut g rass . Any use for pur poses other
than these could pro v e dang erous to user and
b ystanders .
General Operation
Be sure the area is clear of other people before
mo wing . Stop the mac hine if any one enters
the area.
Do not touc h equipment or attac hment par ts
whic h ma y be hot from operation. Allo w to
cool before attempting to maintain, adjust or
ser vice .
Use only T oro appro v ed attac hments .
W ar ranty ma y be v oided if used with
unappro v ed attac hments .
Chec k carefully for o v erhead clearances (i.e .
branc hes , doorw a ys , electrical wires) before
operating under any objects and do not contact
Slope Operation
All slopes and ramps require extra caution. If y ou
feel uneasy on a slope , do not mo w it.
R emo v e obstacles suc h as roc ks , tree limbs , etc .
from the mo wing area.
W atc h for holes , r uts or bumps . T all g rass can
hide obstacles .
Use caution near drop-offs , ditc hes , or
embankments . T he mac hine could suddenly