Operator's Manual

Figure 53
1. Handle 5. Neutral position
2. Neutral lock 6. Drive lever
3. Handle 7. Full speed forward
4. Neutral lock slot 8. Control rod
Adjusting the Tracking
1. R emo v e mac hine from any jac k stands .
2. Chec k the rear tire pressure . R efer to Chec king
the Tire Pressure .
3. Star t and r un the mac hine . Obser v e the
trac king on a lev el, smooth, hard surface suc h
as concrete or asphalt.
4. If the unit trac ks to one side or the other , tur n
the quic k trac k knob . T ur n the knob right to
steer right and tur n the knob left to steer left
( Figure 54 ).
Figure 54
1. Quick track knob
Adjusting the Traction
T he position of the traction spring is adjustable
to increase the traction as attac hments , suc h as
a sulk y or bag g er , are added to the mo w er and
ex cessi v ely unev en ter rain.
Use Figure 55 for the traction spring options .
Figure 55
1. Traction spring
4. Medium traction for
moderate conditions
2. Left side linkage 5. Standard traction for
normal conditions
3. Most traction for uneven
terrain and attachments
Checking the Tire Pressure
Chec k the pressure at the v alv e stem after ev er y
50 operating hours or monthly , whic hev er occurs
first ( Figure 56 ).
Maintain the air pressure in the rear tires at 12-14
psi (83-97 kP a). Unev en tire pressure can cause
an unev en cut.
Note: T he front tires are semi-pneumatic tires
and do not require air pressure maintenance .