Operator's Manual

Figure 23
Using the Mid-Size Weight
W eights are installed on cer tain mo w ers to
impro v e balance and impro v e perfor mance . T he
w eights can be mo v ed or remo v ed to create
optimized perfor mance under different mo wing
conditions and for operator preference ( Figure 24
or Figure 25 ).
T he follo wing table indicates the position of the
w eight as installed at the factor y .
Mower Deck Size Number of
weights install
Position of the
36 inches
1 Front
40 inches
1 Front
48 inches
none none
52 inches
1 Rear
Any rear w eight m ust be remo v ed when a
T r u–T rac k
Sulk y is installed.
W hen a T r u–T rac k
Sulk y is installed front
w eights are needed. Contact an A uthorized
Ser vice Dealer for the cor rect quantity of
w eights and placement.
T he fr ont end of the machine can rapidl y rise
up when the mo w er is r emo v ed. T his could
cause serious injur y to y ou or bystander s.
Suppor t the r ear of the machine when
r emo ving the mo w er f or m the car rier frame.