Operator's Manual

Figure 10
1. Drive lever 2. Speed control lever
Driving Backward
F rom neutral position, slo wly squeeze the dri v e
lev ers to mo v e rearw ard ( Figure 10 ).
Bringing the Machine to the
Neutral Position
Alw a ys set the neutral loc k and parking brak e
when y ou stop the mac hine .
1. Squeeze the dri v e lev ers to neutral position.
2. Set the neutral loc ks . R efer to Operating
Neutral Loc ks .
3. Mo v e speed control lev er to neutral position.
Note: T he speed control lev er can also be
used to bring the mo w er to neutral position
and then set the neutral loc ks .
Stopping the Machine
1. T o stop the mac hine , squeeze the dri v e lev ers
to neutral position and eng ag e neutral loc ks .
2. Mo v e speed control lev er into neutral.
3. Stop the engine b y tur ning the ignition k ey to
off .
4. W ait for all mo ving par ts to stop before lea ving
the operating position. Set the parking brak e .
Childr en or bystander s may be injur ed if
they mo v e or attempt to operate the machine
while it is unattended.
Al w ays r emo v e the ignition k ey and set the
par king brak e when lea ving the machine
unattended, ev en if just f or a few min utes.
Pushing the Machine by
T he b y-pass v alv es allo w the mac hine to be pushed
b y hand without the engine r unning .
Important: Al w ays push the machine
by hand. Nev er to w the machine because
h y draulic dama ge may occur .
To Push the Machine
1. Diseng ag e the PTO , mo v e the motion control
lev ers to the neutral loc k ed position and set
the parking brak e .
2. Open the b y-pass v alv e on both pumps b y
tur ning them counter cloc kwise 1 to 2 tur ns .
T his allo ws h y draulic fluid to b y-pass the
pumps and the wheels to tur n ( Figure 11 ).
Note: R otate the b y-pass v alv es a maxim um
of 2 tur ns so the v alv e does not come out of
the body causing fluid to r un out.
Figure 11
1. Pump by-pass valve
3. R elease the parking brak e .