Operator's Manual

Cleaning the Radiator and
To prevent the engine from overheating, the screen
and radiator must be kept clean. Normally, check the
screen and radiator daily and clean any debris off
these parts. However, it will be necessary to check and
clean the screen and radiator more often in extremely
dusty and dirty conditions.
Note: If the engine shuts off due to overheating, first
check the radiator and screen for excessive build-up of
To thoroughly clean the radiator:
1. Remove the screen.
2. Working from the fan side of the radiator, either
spray the radiator with a water hose or blow with
compressed air.
3. After the radiator is thoroughly cleaned, clean
out debris that may have collected in the channel
at the radiator base.
4. Clean and install the screen.
Changing the Engine Oil and
Check the oil level after each day’s operation or each
time you use the machine. Change oil after every 50
hours of operation; change the oil filter after first 50
hours and every 100 hours operation thereafter. If
possible, run the engine just before changing the oil
because warm oil flows better and carries more
1. Position the machine on a level surface.
2. Open the hood. Set a drain pan under the oil pan,
in line with the drain plug (Fig. 24).
3. Clean the area around the drain plug.
Figure 24
1. Drain plug
4. Remove the oil drain plug and let oil to flow into
drain pan.
5. Remove and replace the oil filter (Fig. 25).
Figure 25
1. Oil filter
6. After the oil has drained, reinstall the drain plug
and wipe up any oil that spilled.
7. Fill the crankcase with oil; refer to Check the
Engine Oil, page 15.
Servicing the Fuel System
Note: Refer to Fill the Fuel Tank with Diesel Fuel,
page 16 for proper fuel recommendations.
Fuel Tank
Drain and clean the fuel tank after every 800 hours
operation or yearly, whichever comes first. Also, drain
and clean the tank if the fuel system becomes
contaminated or if the machine will be stored for an
extended period. Use clean diesel fuel to flush out the