Service Manual

Over a period of time, the cooling system accumulates rust, scale, and
lime in the water jacket and radiator. When this accumulation is
suspected or observed, flush the cooling system. If this accumulations
is not removed, it will clog up the water passage and considerably reduce
the efficiency of the cooling system.
0 Drain the cooling system.
OFill the cooling system with fresh water mixed with a flushing
Avofd the use of a flushing compound which is harmful to Ule
aluminum englne and radiator. Carefully follow the instructions
supplied by the manufacturer of the cleaning product.
Warm up the engine, and run it at normal operating temperature for
about ten minutes.
Stop the engine, and drain the cooling system.
0 Fill the system with fresh water.
Warm up the engine and drain the system.
0 Repeat the previous two steps once more.
@Fill the system with a permanent type coolant, and bleed the air from
the system.
Disassembly and Assembly Precautions .
Prior to disassembly of cooling system parts (radiator, pump, sensor,
etc), wait until the coolant cools down, and then drain the coolant.
@After assembling and filling the system with a coolant, purge any air
from the system.