Operator's Manual

Replacing the Castor Wheel
Fork Bushings
The castor wheel forks are mounted in bushings
pressed into the top and bottom of the carrier frame
mounting tubes. To check the bushings, move the
castor forks back and forth and side-to-side. If a
castor fork is loose, the bushings are worn and must
be replaced.
1. Raise the cutting unit so the castor wheels are off
the floor, then block up the front of the mower
with jack stands.
2. Remove the retaining ring and thrust washer(s)
from the top of the castor wheel fork (Fig. 26).
3. Pull the castor wheel fork out of the mounting
tube, leaving the thrust washer(s) and spacer on
the bottom of the fork. Remember the location of
the thrust washers and spacer on each fork to
ensure correct installation, and to maintain a
level deck.
Figure 26
1. Retaining Ring
2. Thrust Washers (locate as
3. Carrier Frame Mounting
4. Spacer
5. Castor Wheel Fork
4. Insert a pin punch into the mounting tube and
carefully drive out the bushings (Fig. 27). Clean
the inside of the mounting tube.
5. Grease the inside and outside of the new
bushings. Use a hammer and flat plate to
carefully drive the bushings into the mounting
6. Inspect the castor wheel fork for wear and
replace if necessary (Fig. 26).
7. Slide the castor wheel fork through the bushings
in the mounting tube. Replace the thrust
washer(s) onto the fork and secure with the
retaining ring (Fig 26).
IMPORTANT: The inside diameter of the
bushings may collapse slightly when installed.
If the castor wheel fork does not slide into the
new bushings, ream both bushings to an
inside diameter of 1.126 in. (28.6mm).
8. Grease the fitting on the carrier frame mounting
tube using No. 2 general purpose lithium base or
molybdenum base grease.
Figure 27
1. Carrier Frame Mounting
2. Bushing