Operator's Manual

!  !"!
&,645+0) *'+)*51(%65 .'7'34 %16.& $3+0)
*#0&4 +051 %105#%5 8+5* /17+0) $.#&'
105#%5 8+5* $.#&' %16.& %#64' 4'3+164 2'3:
410#. +0,639
1 015 #&,645 5*' *'+)*51(%65 4'55+0)4
8*'0 '0)+0' +4 3600+0) #0& $.#&' +4 315#5+0)
1 015 265 (+0)'34 60&'3 *164+0) 51 .+(5 /18:
'3 8*'0 #&,645+0) *'+)*51(%65 .'7'34
 For easier adjustment, lift housing up so wheel is
off ground. 1 015 2.#%' *#0&4 60&'3 &'%- 51 .+(5
*164+0) Squeeze adjusting lever toward wheel and
move to desired setting (Fig. 14). Ensure pin on
adjusting lever engages notch in housing. Adjust all
wheels to the same setting.
15' Front wheels can be adjusted to 13 mm (1/2").
Move adjusting lever past 1" and release pin into
notch in housing.
 In conditions when maximum power is required or
when cutting in spongy thatch that causes rear
wheels to sink in turf, raise rear wheel setting one
increment higher. Make sure wheel settings are
returned to equal settings, when cutting in normal
conditions, to achieve the best quality of cut.
+)63' 
 '+)*5:1(:%65 .'7'3
25 mm (1 )
38 mm
51 mm
64 mm
76 mm
(3 )
 !  !
Check the control bar before each use to ensure the
Blade Brake Clutch (BBC) system is operating
 13/#. 10531. #3 2'3#5+10 !'45
 With engine off, wheel mower onto a paved
surface in a nonĆwindy area.
 Put all four wheels in 3" height-of-cut position
(Fig. 14).
 Put ground speed selector in (neutral) position.
 Take a half sheet of newspaper and crumple it into
a ball small enough to go under deck (approx. three
inches in diameter) (Fig. 15).
 Place ball of newspaper five inches in front of
mower (Fig. 15).
+)63' 
 Start the engine.
 Push control bar down to lowest position (Fig. 16).
+)63' 
 Lift control bar to the normal blade engaged"
position (about one inch below the handle)
(Position A, Fig. 17). The fan" noise indicates that
the mower blade is turning.