Service Manual

Crankshaft, Connecting Rod
Measure the crankpin width [A] with a dial caliper.
If the crankpin width is more than the service limit, replace
the crankshaft.
Crankpin Width
Service Limit: 24.17 mm (0.95 in.)
Connecting Rod Big End Bearing/Crankpin Wear
Apply a light film of oil on the thread of the cap bolts.
Install the cap bolts and tighten the bolts to the specified
torque (see Piston Installation in Engine Top End chap-
Measure the inside diameter [A] of big end at several
points with a telescoping gauge or inside micrometer.
If the inside diameter is more than the service limit, re-
place the connecting rod with a new one.
Connecting Rod Big End Inside Diameter
Service Limit: 31.040 mm (1.222 in.)
Measure the crankpin outside diameter [A].
Use a micrometer to measure several points around the
crankpin circumference.
If the crankpin diameter is less than the service limit, re-
place the crankshaft with a new one.
Crankpin Outside Diameter
Service Limit: 30.97 mm (1.219 in.)
Crankshaft Runout
Measure the crankshaft runout.
Set the crankshaft in a flywheel alignment jig [ A] or on V
blocks gauge.
Set a dial gauge [B] against both journals.
Turn the crankshaft slowly to measure the runout. The dif-
ference between the highest and lowest dial gauge read-
ings (TIR) is the amount of runout.
If the measurement exceeds the service limit, replace the
Crankshaft Runout
Service Limit: 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) TIR