Operator's Manual

Figure 33
1. Blade 3. Accelerator
2. Blade nuts 4. Anti-scalp cup
Inspecting the Blade
Carefully examine the blade for shar pness and
w ear , especially where the flat and the cur v ed par ts
meet ( Figure 34 A). Because sand and abrasi v e
material can w ear a w a y the metal that connects the
flat and cur v ed par ts of the blade , c hec k the blade
before using the la wn mo w er . If y ou notice a slot
or w ear ( Figure 34 B and Figure 34 C), re place the
blade; refer to R emo ving the Blade .
Figure 34
1. Sail
3. Wear
2. Flat part of the blade 4. Slot formed
Note: F or the best perfor mance , install a new
blade before the cutting season begins . During
the year , file do wn any small nic ks to maintain the
cutting edg e .
A w or n or dama ged blade can br eak, and a
piece of the blade could be thr o wn into the
operator’ s or bystander’ s ar ea, r esulting in
serious per sonal injur y or death.
Inspect the blade periodicall y f or w ear
or dama ge.
R eplace a w or n or dama ged blade.
Removing the Blade
Grasp the end of the blade using a rag or a
thic kly padded glo v e . R emo v e the blade n uts ,
the anti-scalp cup , the accelerator , and the blade
( Figure 33 ).
Sharpening the Blade
File the top side of the blade to maintain its
original cutting angle ( Figure 35 A) and inner
cutting edg e radius ( Figure 35 B). T he blade will
remain balanced if y ou remo v e the same amount
of material from both cutting edg es .
Figure 35
1. Sharpen at this angle only. 2. Maintain the original radius
Balancing the Blade
1. Chec k the balance of the blade b y placing
the center hole of the blade o v er a nail or
screw dri v er shank clamped horizontally in a
vise ( Figure 36 ).
Figure 36