Operator's Manual

Nev er store the equipment with g asoline in the tank
and inside a building where fumes can reac h an open
flame or spark.
Allo w the engine to cool before storing in any enclosure .
T o reduce the fire hazard, k ee p the engine , silencer ,
batter y compar tment and g asoline storag e are free of
g rass , lea v es , or ex cessi v e g rease .
Chec k g rass catc her components and the disc harg e
guard frequently and re place with man ufacturer’ s
recommended par ts , when necessar y .
R e place w or n or damag ed par ts for safety .
R e place faulty silencers .
If the fuel tank has to be drained, do this out-doors .
Do not c hang e the engine g o v er nor settings or
o v erspeed the engine . Operating an engine at ex cessi v e
speed can increase the hazard of personal injur y .
On m ultibladed la wn mo w ers , tak e care as rotating one
blade ma y cause others to rotate .
Be careful during adjustment of the la wn mo w er to
prev ent entrapment of the fing ers betw een mo ving
blades and fix ed par ts of the la wn mo w er .
T o ensur e the best perf or mance and safety ,
purchase onl y gen uine T or o r eplacement par ts
and accessories. Do not use will fit par ts and
accessories; they may cause a safety hazard.
Sound Pressure
T his unit has an equi v alent contin uous A-w eighted sound
pressure lev el at the operator ear of 89 dB A, based on
measurements of identical mac hines per EN 11094 and
EN 836.
Sound Power
T his unit has an equi v alent contin uous A-w eighted sound
po w er lev el of 98 dB A, based on measurements of identical
mac hines per EN 11094.
Vibration, Hand/arm
T his unit does not ex ceed a hand/ar m vibration lev el of
4.7 m/s
, based on measurements of identical mac hines
per EN 1033.
Safety and Instructional Decals
Important: Safety and instr uction decals ar e located
near ar eas of potential danger . R eplace dama ged
Manufacturer’s Mark
1. Indicates the blade is identied as a part from the original machine
1. Warning—do not operate the mower without the rear discharge
plug or bag in place; do not operate the mower without the side
discharge cover or deector in place.