Operator's Manual

Charging the batter y pr oduces gasses
that can explode.
Nev er smok e near the batter y and k eep
spar ks and flames a w ay fr om batter y .
3. Install the batter y in the c hassis; refer to
Installing the Batter y .
Storing the Battery
If the mac hine will be stored for more than
30 da ys , remo v e the batter y and c harg e it fully .
Either store it on the shelf or on the mac hine .
Lea v e the cables disconnected if it is stored on the
mac hine . Store the batter y in a cool atmosphere
to a v oid quic k deterioration of the c harg e in the
batter y . T o prev ent the batter y from freezing,
mak e sure it is fully c harg ed.
Drive System
Checking and Adjusting
W hen perfor ming routine maintenance and/or
engine diagnostics , the transaxle m ust be shifted
into neutral ( Figure 40 ). T he v ehicle has a neutral
position on the shift lev er , whic h controls the
neutral in the transaxle . T he follo wing ste ps
should be tak en to mak e sure that the neutral shift
lev er operates the transaxle neutral cor rectly:
1. Set the shift lev er into the Neutral position.
2. Ensure that the neutral brac k et is in the neutral
position (lev el) b y tur ning the dri v e clutc h
( Figure 40 ). T he v ehicle should not roll bac k
and for th. If it does , man ually mo v e the neutral
brac k et to the neutral position.
Figure 40
1. Neutral bracket 2. Locknuts
3. Tighten one of the loc kn uts ( Figure 40 ) just
enough to tak e the slac k out of the shift cable .
Note: Y ou m ust hold the threaded shaft
belo w the brac k et to tighten the loc kn ut on top .
4. Tighten the other loc kn ut just enough to tak e
the slac k out of the other shift cable .
5. Pull up on eac h shift cable an ensure that there
is no g ap betw een the n ut/w asher and the
neutral brac k et ( Figure 41 ). If there is a g ap ,
tighten the n ut.
Figure 41
1. Neutral bracket 4. Wrong, must tighten the
2. Pull up 5. Correct adjustment
3. Cable boot
6. Star t the engine and shift into F orw ard,
R ev erse , and Neutral sev eral times to ensure
that the neutral brac k et is operating properly .