Operator's Manual
Figure 23
1. Door latch 2. Tabs
4. R elease the door latc h, allo wing it to hook it o v er the
tabs on the plug ( Figure 23 ).
Removing the Discharge Plug
1. Pull up on the door latc h and hold the disc harg e door
fully open.
2. W hen the plug is unloc k ed, pull the plug out of the
disc harg e tunnel.
Bagging the Clippings
Use the g rass bag when y ou w ant to collect g rass and leaf
clippings from the la wn.
If the side disc harg e c hute is on the mo w er , remo v e it and
loc k the side disc harg e door (refer to R emo ving the Side
Disc harg e Chute) before bag ging the clippings .
T he blade is shar p; contacting the blade can r esult
in serious per sonal injur y .
Stop the engine and w ait f or all mo ving par ts to stop
bef or e lea ving the operating position.
Installing the Grass Bag
1. Chec k to ensure that the disc harg e door handle is fully
forw ard.
2. Fit the bag door opening o v er the disc harg e tunnel
opening ( Figure 24 ).
Figure 24
3. Set the rear of the bag frame on the handle knobs .
4. Pull the handle rearw ard until the latc h loc ks into the
notc h in the bag door latc h ( Figure 25 ).
Figure 25
Removing the Grass Bag
1. Lift the door latc h until it clears the bag notc h and mo v e
the disc harg e door handle forw ard.
2. Grasp the bag frame handle and the rear of the g rass
bag and lift the bag off the mo w er .
Side Discharging the Clippings
Use the side disc harg e for cutting v er y tall g rass .
If the bag is on the mo w er , remo v e it and inser t the rear
disc harg e plug (refer to R emo ving the Grass Bag) before
side disc harging the clippings .
Important: Ensur e that the r ear discharge plug is in
place bef or e y ou side discharge the clippings.
Installing the Side Discharge Chute
1. R emo v e the bolt and side co v er clamp , then re place
the bolt in the hole and sa v e the clamp for future use
( Figure 26 ).
Figure 26
1. Side cover clamp
2. Lift up on the side opening co v er ( Figure 27 ).