Operator's Manual

Figure 27
3. Slide the c hute o v er the opening with the slots in the
c hute lined up with the tabs under the co v er ( Figure 27 ).
4. Close the co v er .
Removing the Side Discharge Chute
1. Open the side opening co v er and remo v e the side
disc harg e c hute .
2. Close the co v er .
3. R emo v e the knob .
4. Install the side co v er clamp and the knob , securing the
side opening co v er .
If the side opening co v er is not secur el y clamped
in place, de bris could be thr o wn out of the side
opening . T hr o wn de bris can cause serious per sonal
injur y or death to the operator or bystander s.
Al w ays ensur e that either the side opening co v er is
closed and lock ed in place by the side co v er clamp
or that the side discharge chute is secur el y in place
bef or e star ting the mo w er .
Operating Tips
General Mowing Tips
Clear the area of stic ks , stones , wire , branc hes , and
other debris that the blade could hit.
A v oid striking solid objects with the blade . Nev er
deliberately mo w o v er any object.
If the mo w er strik es an object or star ts to vibrate ,
immediately stop the engine , disconnect the wire from
the spark plug, and examine the mo w er for damag e .
F or best perfor mance , install a new blade before the
cutting season begins .
R e place the blade when necessar y with a T oro
re placement blade .
Cutting Grass
Cut only about a third of the g rass blade at a time . Do
not cut belo w the 51 mm setting unless the g rass is
sparse or it is late fall when g rass g ro wth begins to slo w
do wn. R efer to Adjusting the Cutting Height.
W hen cutting g rass o v er 15 cm tall, mo w at the highest
cutting height setting and w alk slo w er; then mo w ag ain
at a lo w er setting for the best la wn appearance . If the
g rass is too long, the mo w er ma y plug and cause the
engine to stall.
Mo w only dr y g rass or lea v es . W et g rass and lea v es tend
to clump on the yard and can cause the mo w er to plug
or the engine to stall.
W et g rass or lea v es can cause serious injur y if
y ou slip and contact the blade. Mo w onl y in dr y
Alter nate the mo wing direction. T his helps disperse the
clippings o v er the la wn for ev en fer tilization.
If the finished la wn appearance is unsatisfactor y , tr y one
or more of the follo wing:
R e place the blade or ha v e it shar pened.
W alk at a slo w er pace while mo wing .
Raise the cutting height on y our mo w er .
Cut the g rass more frequently .
Ov erlap cutting sw aths instead of cutting a full
sw ath with eac h pass .
Set the cutting height on the front wheels one notc h
lo w er than the rear wheels . F or example , set the
front wheels at 51 mm and the rear wheels at 64
Cutting Leaves
After cutting the la wn, ensure that half of the la wn
sho ws through the cut leaf co v er . Y ou ma y need to
mak e more than one pass o v er the lea v es .
If there are more than 13 cm of lea v es on the la wn, set
the front cutting height one or tw o notc hes higher than
the rear cutting height.
Slo w do wn y our mo wing speed if the mo w er does not
cut the lea v es finely enough.