Operator's Manual

Adjusting the Self-propel Drive
W henev er y ou install a new self-propel cable or if the
self-propel dri v e is out of adjustment, adjust the self-propel
dri v e cable .
1. Loosen the cable suppor t n ut ( Figure 40 ).
Figure 40
2. Pull do wn the cable jac k et (to w ard the mo w er) until
there is no slac k in the cable ( Figure 41 ).
Figure 41
3. Tighten the n ut on the cable suppor t.
Cleaning the Mower
T he mo w er may dislodge material fr om under the
mo w er housing .
W ear ey e pr otection.
Stay in the operating position (behind the
handle) when the engine is r unning .
Do not allo w bystander s in the ar ea.
F or best results , clean the mo w er soon after y ou ha v e
completed mo wing .
1. Lo w er the mo w er to its lo w est cutting height setting .
R efer to Adjusting the Cutting Height.
2. Mo v e the mo w er onto a flat pa v ed surface .
3. Attac h a g arden hose that is connected to a w ater supply
to the w ashout por t on the mo w er housing ( Figure 42 ).
Figure 42
4. T ur n the w ater on.
5. Star t the engine and r un it until there are no more
clippings that come out from under the mo w er housing .
6. Stop the engine .
7. Shut off the w ater and disconnect the g arden hose from
the mo w er .
8. Star t the engine and r un it for a few min utes to dr y the
housing to prev ent it from r usting .