Operator's Manual

Figure 18
Figure 19
3. If the mo w er does not star t in 1 or 2 pulls (or within
5 seconds using the electric star ter), press the primer
button 1 or 2 times and tr y star ting it ag ain.
Note: If the mo w er still does not star t, contact an
A uthorized Ser vice Dealer .
Using the Self-propel Drive
T o operate the self-propel dri v e , simply w alk with y our
hands on the upper handle and y our elbo ws at y our sides ,
and the mo w er will automatically k ee p pace with y ou
( Figure 20 ).
Figure 20
Note: Y ou can self-propel the mo w er with the blade
eng ag ed or diseng ag ed.
Stopping the Engine
Model 20075 onl y
Push the ignition tog gle switc h to the Stop position ( Figure
21 ).
Figure 21
1. Ignition toggle switch
Stopping the Engine
Models 20076 and 20076A onl y
1. T ur n the ignition k ey to the Off position.
2. R emo v e the ignition k ey when y ou lea v e the mo w er .