Operator's Manual

Alter nate the mo wing direction. T his helps disperse the
clippings o v er the la wn for ev en fer tilization.
If the finished la wn appearance is unsatisfactor y , tr y one
or more of the follo wing:
R e place the blade or ha v e it shar pened.
W alk at a slo w er pace while mo wing .
Raise the cutting height on y our mo w er .
Cut the g rass more frequently .
Ov erlap cutting sw aths instead of cutting a full
sw ath with eac h pass .
Set the cutting height on the front wheels one
notc h lo w er than the rear wheels . F or example , set
the front wheels at 2 inc hes (51 mm) and the rear
wheels at 2-3/8 inc hes (60 mm).
Cutting Leaves
After cutting the la wn, ensure that half of the la wn
sho ws through the cut leaf co v er . Y ou ma y need to
mak e more than one pass o v er the lea v es .
If there are more than 5 inc hes (13 cm) of lea v es on the
la wn, set the front cutting height one or tw o notc hes
higher than the rear cutting height.
Slo w do wn y our mo wing speed if the mo w er does not
cut the lea v es finely enough.
Note: Deter mine the left and right sides of the mac hine from the nor mal operating position.
Recommended Maintenance Schedule(s)
Maintenance Service
Maintenance Procedure
After the rst 2 operating
Change the engine oil.
Before each use or daily
Check the engine oil level.
Ensure that the engine stops within 3 seconds after releasing the blade control
Clean grass clippings and dirt from under the mower.
Before storage
Empty the fuel tank before repairs as directed and before annual storage.
Replace the air lter (more frequently in dusty operating conditions).
Change the engine oil.
Lubricate the wheel gears.
Replace the blade or have it sharpened (more frequently if the edge dulls quickly).
Refer to your Engine Operator’s Manual for any additional yearly maintenance
Important: R efer to y our Engine Operator’ s Man ual f or additional maintenance pr ocedur es.