Operator's Manual

Figure 18
Removing the Side Discharge Chute
T o remo v e the side disc harg e c hute , rev erse the ste ps abo v e .
Important: Lock the side discharge door after y ou
close it ( Figur e 19 ).
Figure 19
Operating Tips
General Mowing Tips
Clear the area of stic ks , stones , wire , branc hes , and
other debris that the blade could hit.
A v oid striking solid objects with the blade . Nev er
deliberately mo w o v er any object.
If the mo w er strik es an object or star ts to vibrate ,
immediately stop the engine , disconnect the wire from
the spark plug, and examine the mo w er for damag e .
F or best perfor mance , install a new blade before the
cutting season begins .
R e place the blade when necessar y with a T oro
re placement blade .
Cutting Grass
Cut only about a third of the g rass blade at a time . Do
not cut belo w the 2-inc h (51 mm) setting unless the
g rass is sparse or it is late fall when g rass g ro wth begins
to slo w do wn. R efer to Adjusting the Cutting Height.
W hen cutting g rass o v er 6 inc hes (15 cm) tall, mo w
at the highest cutting height setting and w alk slo w er;
then mo w ag ain at a lo w er setting for the best la wn
appearance . If the g rass is too long, the mo w er ma y
plug and cause the engine to stall.
Mo w only dr y g rass or lea v es . W et g rass and lea v es tend
to clump on the yard and can cause the mo w er to plug
or the engine to stall.
W et g rass or lea v es can cause serious injur y if
y ou slip and contact the blade. Mo w onl y in dr y
Be a w are of a potential fire hazard in v er y dr y
conditions , follo w all local fire w ar nings , and k ee p the
mo w er free of dr y g rass and leaf debris .