Operator's Manual

Figure 33
2. Install a g rease gun onto eac h fitting and g ently apply 2
or 3 pumps of #2 m ulti-pur pose lithium-base g rease .
Replacing the Blade
Important: Y ou will need a torque wr ench to install
the blade pr oper l y . If y ou do not ha v e a torque wr ench
or ar e uncomf or ta ble perf or ming this pr ocedur e,
contact an Authoriz ed Ser vice Dealer .
Examine the blade whenev er y ou r un out of g asoline . If the
blade is damag ed or crac k ed, re place it immediately . If the
blade edg e is dull or nic k ed, ha v e it shar pened or re place it.
T he blade is shar p; contacting the blade can r esult
in serious per sonal injur y .
W ear g lo v es when ser vicing the blade.
1. Disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug .
R efer to Pre paring for Maintenance .
2. Tip the mo w er onto its side with the air filter up .
3. Use a bloc k a w ood to hold the blade steady ( Figure 34 ).
Figure 34
4. R emo v e the blade , sa ving all mounting hardw are .
5. Install the new blade and all mounting hardw are .
Important: P osition the cur v ed ends of the blade
to point to w ard the mo w er housing .
6. Use a torque wr ench to tighten the blade bolt to
60 ft-lb (82 N m).
Important: A bolt torqued to 60 ft-lb (82 N m)
is v er y tight. W hile holding the blade with a block
of w ood, put y our w eight behind the ratchet or
wr ench and tighten the bolt secur el y . T his bolt is
v er y dif ficult to o v er tighten.
Cleaning the Mower
T he mo w er may dislodge material fr om under the
mo w er housing .
W ear ey e pr otection.
Stay in the operating position (behind the
Do not allo w bystander s in the ar ea.
1. With the engine r unning on a flat pa v ed surface , spra y a
stream of w ater in front of the right rear wheel ( Figure
35 ).
T he w ater will splash into the path of the blade , cleaning
out the clippings .