Parts Catalogue

Service Assemblies
Parts within service assemblies have reference numbers in the form
X:Y. X
is the reference number of the service
assembly and
is a sequential number unique to each part within the service assembly.
For example, a wheel assembly might be identified by reference number 6, the tire by 6:1, the valve by 6:2, and
the wheel by 6:3. When you order the assembly identified by reference number 6, you receive all parts identified
by reference numbers 6:1, 6:2, and 6:3. However, you may also order any part individually.
Reference numbers of this type appear in part lists and as callouts in illustrations.
Reference Numbers with Quantities
Illustrations may have a quantity in parentheses next to a reference number, in the form
X (Y). X
is the reference
in parentheses is the quantity of the part identified by the reference number.
For example, the illustration callout 4 (2) indicates that two parts are used in that instance.