Service Manual

Removal (Fig. 4)
1. Remove knobs from control levers, then remove cen-
ter console shift boot and control plate (Fig. 5).
2. Remove three screws (Item 18) and cable clamp
(Item 19) that secure shift cables to lever support.
3. Remove cotter pin and clevis pin that secure shift
cable clevis to shift link (Item 10) on shifter in operator
4. Loosen jam nut that retains clevis to shift cable and
remove clevis from cable.
5. Remove shift cable from transaxle shift lever (Fig. 7):
A. Remove cotter pin and clevis pin that secure shift
Figure 5
cable to shift lever on transaxle.
1. Shift boot 2. Control plate
B. Loosen jam nuts on bulkhead fitting of cable.
C. Disconnect cable from shift lever.
6. Note routing of shift cable and location of cable ties
used to secure cable. Slide shift cable from lower shift
boot and remove cable from vehicle.
Installation (Fig. 4)
1. Route cable in same location as before.
2. Install cable clevis on shift cable. Adjust cable clevis
s shown in Figure 6. Tighten jam nut to secure clevis to
3. Connect shift cable to shift link (Item 10) on shifter i
operator platform by inserting clevis pin (Item 8) from the
passenger side, then install cotter pin.
4. Secure shift cables to lever support with cable clamp
(Item 19) and three screws (Item 18).
5. Spread jam nuts on bulkhead fitting of cable (Fig. 7
With cable properly routed to transaxle, install cable
bulkhead fitting to shift cable mount bracket on transaxle
and tighten jam nuts.
6. Install cable ties in the original locations to secure
shift cables to vehicle.
7. Adjust shift cables (see Operator’s Manual) and se-
cure cable clevis to transaxle shift lever with clevis pin
and cotter pin.
8. Check adjustment of shift stop bolts. Move shift lever
forward until lever stops. Hold lever in stopped position
and adjust stop bolt so that head just contacts lever
Tighten hex nut on stop bolt.
9. Install shift boot, control plate and control lever
.390 to .510 in.
(9.9 to 13 mm)
Figure 6
1. Clevis
3. Clamp
2. Shift cable
Shift stop bolt
Figure 7
1. First–Reverse
3. Bulkhead jam nut
2. 2nd–3rd
Drive Train
Workman 3000/4000 Series Page 6 – 11 Drive Train