Operator's Manual

.,85* 
 -.+7 &51 67  *9
 -.+7 &51 2)  5)
 -.+7 &51 .,-03:
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., 
Check adjustment every 200 hours.
 Move differential lock lever to Off position.
 Loosen jam nuts securing differential lock cable to
bracket on transaxle.
.,85* 
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 45.2,
 ± 
 While pulling back on spring, adjust jam nuts to
obtain .035" ± .025" gap between spring hook and O.D.
of hole in transaxle lever.
 Tighten jam nuts after adjustment has been
attained and recheck.
% $  
:.7-387 67&57.2, *2,.2*
The box can be raised in an emergency by cranking
starter and holding lift lever. Run starter for 15 seconds
then wait 60 seconds before engaging starter again.
If engine will not crank, the load and box (attachment)
must be removed to service engine or transaxle.
 ! 
Visually inspect brakes for worn brake shoes after
every 600 hours of operation.
 ! !
Check tire condition at least every 100 hours of
operation. Operating accidents, such as hitting curbs,
can damage a tire or rim and also disrupt wheel
alignment, so inspect tire condition after an accident.
! # ! ., 
After every 600 operating hours or annually, check
front wheel toe-in.
 Measure center-to-center distance (at axle
height) at front and rear of steering tires. Front
measurement must be equal to the rear measurement
±1/8 in..
.,85* 
 To adjust loosen jam nuts at both ends of tie rod.