Operator's Manual

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 If filter is to be cleaned, wash thoroughly in
cleaning solvent and blow compressed air from inside
toward outside of element. Hold air nozzle at least one
inch (25 mm) from filter and move up and down while
rotating filter. Do not exceed 100 psi (689 kPa) to avoid
filter damage.
26( Replace the filter if there is any visible dirt which
cannot be washed out.
 Inspect the two rubber gaskets; replace them if
 Clean cover of any residue (Fig. 44), insert filter into
body and install cover.
 Bleed the fuel system; refer to Bleeding Fuel
     ,* 
26( This procedure should be used only if fuel
system has been purged of air through normal priming
procedures and engine still will not start; refer to
Bleeding Fuel System.
 Raise bed (if so equipped) and place safety
support on extended lift cylinder to hold up bed.
 Loosen the pipe connection to the No. 1 nozzle
and holder assembly (Fig. 45).
,*74( 
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 Slowly depress accelerator pedal to full FAST
 Turn key in key switch to START position and watch
fuel flow around connector. Turn key to OFF position
when solid flow is observed.
 Tighten pipe connector securely.
 Repeat steps 1Ć4 on No. 2 and 3 nozzles.
"   
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Remove debris from engine area and radiator daily,
clean more frequently in dirty conditions.
 Remove radiator cover.
 Turn engine off. Clean engine area thoroughly of all
 Remove screen cover from front of radiator.
 Open radiator screen clean out door at lower left
side of radiator and remove all debris from bottom of
radiator inlet area.
 Clean radiator thoroughly with water or
compressed air.
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 Park machine on a level surface.
) (1*,1( +$5 %((1 4711,1* 34(5574,:('
+26 &22/$16 &$1 (5&$3( ,) 4$',$624 &$3 ,5
4(028(' $1' &$75( %7415 //29 (1*,1(
62 &22/ $6 /($56  0,176(5 24 716,/ 6+(
4$',$624 &$3 ,5 &22/ (127*+ 62 627&+
9,6+276 %741,1* +$1'
! 
 Raise bed (if so equipped) and place safety
support on extended lift cylinder to hold up bed.