Operator's Manual

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Use extra care when on hills. Never go on hills that are
extremely steep. Stopping while going down a hill will
take longer than on level ground. Turning while going
up or down a hill is more dangerous than turning on the
level. Turns while going down hill, especially with the
brakes on, and, turning up hill while traversing a hill are
particularly dangerous. Even at a slow speed and
without a load, tip overs are more likely if you turn on a
Slow down and shift into a lower gear before starting up
or down a hill. If you have to turn while on a hill, do it as
slowly and cautiously as possible. Never make sharp
or fast turns on a hill.
If you stall or begin to lose headway while climbing a
hill, quickly apply the brakes, shift to neutral,
restart the engine and shift to reverse. At idle speed,
engine and transaxle drag will aid the brakes in
controlling the vehicle on the hill and help you back
down the hill more safely.
Reduce the weight of the load if it is a steep hill or if the
load has high center of gravity. Remember, loads can
shift. Secure them.
(, The Workman has excellent hill climbing ability.
The differential lock will increase this ability.
  
The weight and position of the cargo and passenger
can change the vehicle center of gravity and vehicle
handling. To avoid loss of control resulting in personal
injury, follow these guidelines.
Do not carry loads which exceed the load limits
described on the vehicle weight label.
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The vehicle has several combinations of boxes,
platforms, and attachments available. These can be
used in various combinations that allow for maximum
capacity and versatility. The full sized box is 55 inches
wide by 65 inches long and can hold up to 2000
pounds of evenly distributed cargo.
Loads vary in how they are distributed. Sand spreads
out evenly and quite low. Other items, such as bricks,
fertilizer or landscape timbers, stack higher in the box.