Operator's Manual
The TORO WORKMAN was developed to provide an efficient, versatile, trouble free and economical work vehicle.
The latest concepts of engineering, design and safety have been incorporated into this machine, along with the
highest quality parts and workmanship. Excellent service will be derived if proper operation and maintenance
practices are followed.
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You know, since you have purchased the industry leader in maintenance excellence, that future performance and
dependability are of prime importance. TORO also is concerned about future use of the machine and of safety to the
user. Therefore, this manual must be read by you and those involved with the WORKMAN to make sure that safety,
proper setĆup, operation and maintenance procedures are followed at all times. The major sections of the manual
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Safety, mechanical and some general information in this manual are emphasized. , and
identify safety messages. Whenever the triangle safety symbol appears, it is followed by a safety
message that must be read and understood. For more details concerning safety, read the safety instructions on
pages 5-7. identifies special mechanical information and identifies general information worthy
of special attention.
Diesel engine exhaust and some of its
constituents are known to the State of
California to cause cancer, birth defects,
or other reproductive harm.