Operator's Manual

Accelerator Pedal (Fig. 8)—Used to vary engine
and ground speed when the transmission is in gear.
Depressing the pedal increases engine RPM and
ground speed. Releasing it will decrease engine
RPM and ground speed.
Figure 8
1. Accelerator pedal
2. Clutch pedal
3. Brake pedal
Clutch Pedal (Fig. 8)—The clutch pedal must be
fully depressed to disengage the clutch when starting
the engine or shifting transmission gears. Release
the pedal smoothly when the transmission is in gear
to prevent unnecessary wear on the transmission and
other related parts.
IMPORTANT: Do not ride the clutch pedal dur-
ing operation. The clutch pedal must be fully out
or the clutch will slip causing friction and wear.
Never hold the vehicle stopped on a hill using the
clutch pedal. Damage to the clutch may occur.
Brake Pedal (Fig. 8)—The brake pedal is used to
apply service brakes to stop or slow vehicle.
Gear Shift Lever (Fig. 9)—Fully depress the clutch
pedal and move shift lever into desired gear selec-
tion. A diagram of the shift pattern is indicated
Shift Pattern
IMPORTANT: Do not shift the transaxle to the
reverse or forward gear unless the vehicle is
standing still. Damage to the transaxle may
Differential Lock (Fig. 9)—Allows rear axle to be
locked for increased traction. Differential lock may
be engaged with vehicle in motion. Move the lever
forward and to the right to engage the lock.
Note: Vehicle motion plus a slight turn is
required to engage or disengage the dif-
ferential lock.
Parking Brake (Fig. 9)—Whenever the engine is
shut off, the parking brake must be engaged to pre-
vent accidental movement of the vehicle. To engage
the parking brake, pull back on the lever. To disen-
gage, push lever forward. Make sure the parking
brake is released before moving the vehicle. If the
vehicle is parked on a steep grade, make sure the
parking brake is applied. Also, shift the transmission
into 1st gear on an uphill grade or into reverse on a
down hill grade. Place chocks at the down hill side
Down shifting from too high a speed can cause the
rear wheels to skid and can result in loss of vehicle
control. Shift smoothly to avoid grinding gears.
Worn or misadjusted brakes may result in personal
injury. If the brake pedal travels to within 2.5 cm
of the vehicle floor board, the brakes must be
adjusted or repaired.
Turning with the differential lock on can result in
loss of vehicle control. Do not operate with differ-
ential lock on when making sharp turns or at high