Service Manual

Table Of Contents
Greensmaster 3320/3420 Page 6 − 51 Electrical System
Neutral and Mow Switches
The neutral and mow switches are normally open prox-
imity switches that mount to the console assembly (Fig.
57). The sensing plate for these switches is a tab on the
functional control lever. The Toro Electronic Controller
(TEC) monitors the operation of the neutral and mow
When the functional control lever is in the neutral posi-
tion, the tab on the lever is positioned near the target end
of the neutral switch causing the switch to close. The tab
on the functional control lever is moved away from the
neutral switch when the lever is in either the mow or
transport position causing the switch to be in its normal
open state.
When the functional control lever is in the mow position,
the tab on the lever is positioned near the target end of
the mow switch causing the switch to close. The tab on
the functional control lever is moved away from the mow
switch when the lever is in either the neutral or transport
position causing the switch to be in its normal open
1. Park machine on level surface, lower cutting units,
stop engine and remove key from ignition switch.
2. Before disconnecting the neutral or mow switch for
testing, the switch and its circuit wiring should be tested
as a TEC electrical input using the Hand Held Diagnostic
Display (see Hand Held Diagnostic Display in the Trou-
bleshooting section of this chapter) or InfoCenter Dis-
play (see InfoCenter Display in this chapter). If input
testing verifies that the switch and circuit wiring are func-
tioning correctly, no further switch testing is necessary.
If, however, input testing determines that the switch and
circuit wiring are not functioning correctly, proceed with
the following switch testing procedure.
3. Remove console cover from console assembly to
gain access to neutral and mow switches (see Control
Console Disassembly in the Service and Repairs sec-
tion of Chapter 7 − Chassis). Locate switch that is to be
tested (Fig. 57).
4. Turn ignition switch to the RUN position (do not start
engine) and check LED on cable end of switch.
A. The neutral switch LED should be illuminated
only when the functional control lever is in the neu-
tral position. The neutral switch LED should not be
illuminated when the functional control lever is in the
either the mow or transport position.
B. The mow switch LED should be illuminated only
when the functional control lever is in the mow posi-
tion. The mow switch LED should not be illuminated
when the functional control lever is in the either the
neutral or transport position.
5. If the tested switch LED did not function correctly:
A. Make sure that switch is properly adjusted (see
Neutral and Mow Switches in the Adjustments sec-
tion of this chapter). If necessary, adjust switch and
return to step 4 above.
B. Make sure ignition switch is OFF and disconnect
the switch connector from the machine wire harness.
C. Using a multimeter, verify that the machine wire
harness connector terminal for black wire is closed
(continuity) to ground.
D. Turn ignition switch to the RUN position (do not
start engine) and verify with a multimeter that ma-
chine wire harness connector terminal for pink wire
has system voltage (12 VDC) present.
E. If black wire is closed to ground, pink wire has
system voltage present and switch LED did not func-
tion correctly (step 4 above), replace tested switch.
Adjust switch after installation (see Neutral and Mow
Switches in the Adjustments section of this chapter).
6. After switch testing is complete, make sure that
switch connector is plugged into machine wire harness.
Install console cover (see Control Console Assembly in
the Service and Repairs section of Chapter 7 − Chas-
Figure 57
1. Functional lever tab
2. Mow switch
3. Neutral switch