Operator's Manual

by whipping the turf with a bamboo pole or by drag-
ging a hose over the area. Be sure the mower is care-
fully adjusted and is set evenly on both sides of the
reel. Improper mower adjustment is magnified many
times in the appearance of the clipped turf. A three-to-
five foot wide “collar” should be mowed around the
area at a slightly higher cut than the putting green area.
This will provide sufficient space for turning the
mower without turning on the green area.
The Greens should be mowed in a straight back-and-
forth direction across the green. Avoid circular mow-
ing or turning the mower on greens areas since scuff-
ing may occur. Turning the mower should be done off
the green by raising the cutting reel (pushing the han-
dle down) and turning on the traction drum. The
greens area should not be mowed in the same direction
at any two successive mowings. Cutting in different
directions at each mowing will keep the grass growing
in an upright position, preventing grain formation.
Mowing should be done at a normal walking pace.
Fast speeds saves very little time and will result in an
inferior mowing job.
Move the traction lever to ENGAGED, increase throt-
tle speed until the mower is traveling at the desired
ground speed, drive the mower out onto the green area,
lower the front of the mower and commence operation.
To operate the controls while mowing:
1. Start the engine, set the throttle at reduced speed,
push down on the handle to raise the cutting unit,
move the traction lever to ENGAGED and trans-
port the mower onto the collar of green.
2. Move the traction lever to DISENGAGED and
ENGAGE the reel drive lever.
1. Drive off green, move the traction control lever to
DISENGAGE, stop the engine and push the reel
drive lever to DISENGAGED.
2. Empty the grass catcher of clippings, install grass
catcher and commence transport operation.