Service Manual

Rev. E
Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 - 85
Disassembly (Fig. 54)
IMPORTANT: Prevent damage when clamping the
cylinders barrel into a vise; clamp on the clevis
only. Do not close vise enough to distort the barrel.
1. After removing cylinder, pump oil out of cylinder into
a drain pan by SLOWLY moving rod and piston in and
out of cylinder bore.
2. Plug ports and clean outside of cylinder.
3. Mount cylinder in a vise so piston rod end of cylinder
is tilted up slightly. Do not close vise so firmly that cylin-
der tube could become distorted. Loosen gland.
4. Remove gland retaining ring.
5. Grasp end of piston rod and use a twisting and pulling
motion to carefully extract piston, piston rod, and head
from cylinder barrel.
IMPORTANT: Do not clamp vise jaws against the
shaft surface. Protect shaft surface before mount-
ing in a vise.
6. Securely mount piston, piston rod, and head into vise
and remove nut.
7. Remove piston.
8. Remove all seals and O-rings.
9. Wash parts in a safe solvent. Dry parts with com-
pressed air. D O NOT wipe them dry with a cloth or paper
as lint and dirt may remain.
10. Carefully inspect internal surface of barrel for dam-
age (deep scratches, out-of-round, etc.). Replace entire
cylinder if barrel is damaged. Inspect piston rod, and pis-
ton for evidence of excessive scoring, pitting, or wear.
Replace any damaged parts.
Assembly (Fig. 54)
1. Use a complete repair kit when rebuilding the cylin-
der. Put a coating of oil on all new seals and O-rings.
Install the new seal and O-rings.
2. Install piston onto piston rod with O-ring seal (item 9)
and tighten hex nut.
3. Put a coating of oil on all cylinder parts to ease as-
4. Slide piston rod assembly into cylinder tube.
5. Install gland and retaining ring.