Operator's Manual
To verify output function:
1. P ark mac hine on a lev el surface , lo w er the
cutting units , stop the engine and eng ag e the
parking brak e .
2. Open control panel co v er . Locate wire har ness
and connectors near controller . Carefully
unplug loopbac k connector from har ness
connector .
3. Connect the Diagnostic A CE connector to the
har ness connector . Mak e sure cor rect o v erla y
decal is positioned on Diagnostic A CE.
4. T ur n the k ey switc h to the On position, but
do not star t mac hine .
Note: T he red text on the o v erla y decal refers
to input switc hes and the g reen text refers to
outputs .
5. T he “outputs displa yed” LED , on lo w er
right column of Diagnostic A CE, should
be illuminated. If “inputs displa yed”; LED
is illuminated, press the tog gle button, on
Diagnostic A CE, to c hang e LED to “outputs
displa yed. ”
Note: It ma y be necessar y to tog gle betw een
“inputs displa yed” and “outputs displa yed”
sev eral times to do the follo wing ste p . T o
tog gle bac k and for th, press tog gle button
once . T his ma y be done as often as required.
Do not hold the button.
6. Sit on the seat and attempt to operate
the desired function of the mac hine . T he
appropriate output LED’ s should illuminate
to indicate that the ECU is tur ning on that
function. (R efer to Hy draulic Solenoid V alv e
Functions to be cer tain of the specified output
LEDs .)
Note: If any output LED is blinking, this
indicates an electrical problem with that
OUTPUT . R e pair/re place defecti v e electrical
par ts immediately . T o reset a blinking LED ,
tur n the k ey switc h “Off ”, then bac k “On”
and clear the controllers fault memor y (R efer
to Clearing the F ault Memor y in F ault Memor y
and R etriev al).
If no output LEDs are blinking, but the cor rect
output LED’ s do not illuminate , v erify that the
required input switc hes are in the necessar y
positions to allo w that function to occur .
V erify cor rect switc h function.
If the output LEDs are on as specified, but
the mac hine does not function properly , this
indicates a non-electrical problem. R e pair as
necessar y .
Note: Due to electrical system constraints ,
the output LED’ s for “Star t”, “Preheat” and
“ETR/AL T” ma y not blink ev en though
an electrical problem ma y exist for those
functions . If the mac hine problem appears to
be with one of these functions , be cer tain to
c hec k the electrical circuit with a v olt/ohm
meter to v erify that no electrical problem exists
to these functions .
If eac h input switc h is in the cor rect position
and functioning cor rectly , but the output LEDs
are not cor rectly illuminated, this indicates an
ECU problem. If this occurs , contact y our
T oro Distributor for assistance .
Fault Memory and Retrieval
If the Controller senses a f ault on one of the
output solenoids , it will flash the mac hines
diagnostic Lamp (R eel Diagnostic Lamp on
console or Green Diagnostic Lamp under console)
and store the fault into the Controllers (ECU)
memor y . T he fault can then be retriev ed and
view ed with the Diagnostic A CE hand held tool or
a lap top/PC at anytime . T he Controller will store
one (1) fault at a time and will not store another
different fault until the first fault is cleared.
Retrieving Fault Information
R etrieving Stor ed F aults (Do not sit in seat)
1. R otate ignition k ey to Off position.
2. Connect the Hand held Diagnostic T ool to the
desired Controller Loopbac k Connector (use
the proper o v erla y).
3. Mo v e the J o ystic k to the Raise position and
4. R otate ignition k ey to On position, and
contin ue to hold the J o ystic k in Raise position
until the top left Diagnostic T ool light comes
on (appro x. 2 seconds).
5. R elease the J o ystic k to the center position.
6. Hand held T ool will no w pla ybac k the fault
retained in the Controller memor y .