Operator's Manual

only the right brak e pedal and eng ag e the
parking brak e .
2. J ac k up left side of mac hine until front tire is
off the shop floor . Suppor t mac hine with jac k
stands to prev ent it from falling accidentally .
Note: On 4 wheel dri v e models , left rear tire
m ust also be off the shop floor .
3. Star t engine and allo w r un at lo w idle .
4. Adjust jam n uts on pump rod end to mo v e
pump control tube forw ard to eliminate
forw ard cree p or rearw ard to eliminate
rearw ard cree p ( Figure 59 ).
Figure 59
1. Pump rod 2. Pump control tube
5. After wheel rotation ceases , tighten jam n uts
to secure adjustment.
6. Stop the engine and release the right brak e .
R emo v e jac k stands and lo w er the mac hine to
the shop floor . T est dri v e the mac hine to mak e
sure it does not cree p .
Cooling System
Removing Debris
R emo v e debris from rear screen, oil cooler and
radiator daily , clean more frequently in dir ty
conditions .
Important: Nev er spray w ater onto a hot
engine as dama ge to engine may occur .
1. T ur n engine off , release hood latc h and raise
hood. Clean engine area thoroughly of all
debris . Close hood.
2. Unlatc h and remo v e rear screen ( Figure 60 ).
Clean screen thoroughly .
Figure 60
1. Rear screen
3. Unscrew knobs and pi v ot oil cooler rearw ard
( Figure 61 ). Clean both sides of oil cooler and
radiator area thoroughly with compressed air .
Do not use w ater . Open hood and blo w debris
out to w ard bac k of mac hine . Pi v ot oil cooler
bac k into position and tighten knobs .
Figure 61
1. Oil cooler 2. Radiator
Maintaining the Cooling
Capacity of the system is 10 qts . (9.4 l). Alw a ys
protect cooling system with a 50/50 solution of
w ater and per manent eth ylene glycol anti-freeze .
Do not use w ater only in the cooling system.
1. After ev er y 100 operating hours , inspect
and tighten hose connections . R e place any
deteriorated hoses .
2. After ev er y 2 years , drain and flush the cooling
system. Add anti-freeze; refer to Chec king the
Cooling System in Operation , pag e 22 .