Service Manual

Reelmaster 6500D/6700–D
Page 5 41
Electrical System
Fuel Stop (ETR) Solenoid
This engine has an energize-to-run (ETR) fuel stop sole-
noid. The solenoid will stop injector pump fuel delivery
with any electrical failure in the RUN circuit.
1. Disconnect the wire from the solenoid.
2. Remove the solenoid from the injector pump.
3. Connect a 12 volt battery so that a wire from positive
(+) battery terminal is connected to switch terminal.
Touch a wire from the negative () battery terminal to so-
lenoid body. The plunger should retract.
NOTE: You can also test operation without removing the
solenoid from the injector pump. Listen for an audible
“click” as the solenoid extends and retracts while doing
step 3 of the above procedure. This will not show if the
solenoid is fully extending and retracting.
Figure 26
1. Fuel stop (ETR) solenoid
Engine Oil Pressure Switch
The switch is normally closed (NC) and opens with pres-
The switch opens at approximately 8 psi.
1. Turn ignition key switch ON. Oil pressure lamp should
be on.
If lamp is not on:
1. Disconnect wire from switch and touch wire to a good
ground, such as the engine block.
2. If lamp comes on, replace switch.
3. If lamp does not come on check wiring between lamp
and switch for continuity.
If lamp is on with engine running:
1. Shut off engine immediately.
2. Check switch by disconnecting wire with ignition
switch in ON position. Light should go out.
3. If light is still on, check for short circuit in wiring.
4. Install test gauge in engine oil pressure switch port.
Start engine and check for 30 psi minimum at 1500 rpm.
If engine pressure is good, replace switch. If engine
pressure is low, DO NOT operate the engine.
Figure 27
1. Engine oil pressure switch