Operator's Manual

"!! "! !
  $ ! # 
 ! !!! !  !!   $
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    ! !# 
37) #,)2 &%'/0%44-2+ 7,) *5327 82-76 %00 34)5%7)
73+)7,)5 %2( 7,) 5)%5 82-76 34)5%7) 73+)7,)5
 Position the machine on a level surface, lower the
cutting units, stop the engine, engage the parking
brake, and move the Enable/Disable switch to disable
 Unlock and raise the seat to expose controls.
 Open control cover and turn the H.O.C. selection
knob to position P".
37) Backlapping speed may be increased by
moving the H.O.C. selection knob toward to A". Each
position will increase speed 60 rpm. After changing
selector, wait 30 seconds for the system to respond to
the new speed target.
 Make initial reel to bedknife adjustments
appropriate for backlapping on all cutting units which
are to be backlapped.
 Start engine and run at idle
 !3 %93-( 4)5632%0 -2.85; 2)9)5 40%')
,%2(6 35 *))7 -2 5))0 %5)% :,-0) )2+-2) -6 5822-2+
,%2+-2+ )2+-2) 64))( :,-0) &%'/0%44-2+ 1%;
'%86) 5))06 73 67%00 )9)5 ',%2+) )2+-2) 64))(
:,-0) &%'/0%44-2+ 20; &%'/0%4 %7 -(0) )2+-2)
64))( )9)5 %77)147 73 7852 5))06 &; ,%2( 35 *337
:,-0) )2+-2) -6 5822-2+
 Select either front or rear on the backlap switch to
determine whether front or rear reels will be
 !3 %93-( 4)5632%0 -2.85; &) ')57%-2 7,%7
;38 %5) '0)%5 3* 7,) '877-2+ 82-76 &)*35) 453'))(-2+
 Move Enable/Disable switch to Enable position.
Move Lower Mow / Lift control forward to start
back-lapping operation on designated reels.
 Apply lapping compound with a long handle brush
(Toro Part No. 29-9100). Never use a short handled
 If reels stall or become erratic while backlapping,
the reel control light will begin to blink and the reels will
turn off. If this occurs, turn the H.O.C. selection knob
one position closer to A". Then, toggle the
Enable/Disable switch to the disable position followed
by the enable position. To resume backlapping, move
the Lower Mow / Lift control lever forward.
 To make an adjustment to the cutting units while
backlapping, turn reels OFF by moving the Lower
Mow/Raise lever rearward; move the Enable/Disable
switch to Disable and turn the engine OFF. After
adjustments have been completed, repeat steps 5 - 9.
 Repeat procedure for all cutting units to be
 When backlap operation has been completed,
return the backlap switch to OFF, lower seat and wash
all lapping compound off cutting units. Adjust cutting
unit reel to bedknife as needed.
!! * 7,) &%'/0%4 6:-7', -6 237 5)7852)( 73
 436-7-32 %*7)5 &%'/0%44-2+ 7,) '877-2+ 82-76
:-00 237 5%-6) 35 *82'7-32 4534)50;