Service Manual

especially rings andRemove all jewelry,
watches, before doing any electrical trou-
bleshooting or testing. Disconnect the bat-
tery cables unless the test requires battery
For effective troubleshooting and repairs, you MUST
have a good understanding of the electrical circuits and
components used on this machine. (See Electrical
Schematics and Diagrams section of this chapter.)
Starting Problems
Study the operating characteristics preceding the elec-
trical failure to help identify the area of difficulty. Try to
isolate the failure to a specific functional system; then
check that area, repairing one component at a time.
Attempting to repair more than one system at one time
will lead to confusion.
Possible Causes and Corrections in the troubleshooting
arts should be checked in the order in which they are
If the machine being repaired has any interlock switches
y-passed, they must be reconnected for proper trou-
bleshooting and safety.
Condition Possible Cause Correction
Starter solenoid clicks, but starter Low battery charge Charge battery. Replace battery if
will not crank. (If solenoid clicks, it will not hold a charge.
problem is not in interlock sys-
tem.) Loose or corroded battery cables. Clean and tighten, or repair as
Loose or corroded ground. necessary.
Faulty wiring at starter. Repair wiring.
Loose starter mounting bolts. Clean mounting surface and
tighten bolts.
Faulty starter. Repair or replace starter.
Faulty starter solenoid. Replace starter solenoid.
335-D Page 5 - 7 Troubleshooting