Service Manual

Traction (Neutral) Switch
The traction switch is a normally closed and opens when
traction pedal is depressed in either direction.
IMPORTANT: The traction switch has three (3) ter-
s. Make sure the wires are connected to the
“COMMON” and “N.O.” terminals.
Test the switch by disconnecting the wires from the
switch terminals and connect
ing a continuity tester
across the COMMON and N.O. terminals. With the
engine turned off, slowly push the traction pedal in a
forward and reverse direction while watching the conti-
nuity tester. There should be indications that the traction
switch is opening and closing. Allow the traction pedal
to return to neutral. There should be continuity across
the terminals. (See Replacing the Traction Switch in the
Repairs section of this chapter for replacement and
adjustment procedures.)
NOTE: Apply “Loctite 271” or equivalent to threads of
witch screws before installing.
Figure 8
1. Traction (neutral) switch (Eaton pump)
Figure 9
1. Traction (neutral) switch (Sundstrand pump)
Reel Switches
The reel switches are normally closed (N.C.) switches
that open when the lift arm is raised, which pushes the
switch ball in.
1. Disconnect the switch wire connector and install a
ontinuity tester or ohm meter between the two leads of
the switch.
2. With the lift arm in the lowered position the tester
hould show continuity. With the lift arm in the raised
position, the tester should show no continuity.
NOTE: For proper operation, the switch must be
crewed all the in. A damaged pivot shaft or bushings
could cause the switch to not open and close properly.
Also, debris in the switch could cause the switch to not
open and close properly.
Figure 10
(Right front lift arm pivot shown)
1. Reel switch
335-D Page 5 - 17 Testing