Operator's Manual

   ! 
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 Remove the capscrew and locknut securing
retaining bracket, while rotating hex shaft to relieve
spring tension.
 Move spring bracket to desired location and install
capscrew and locknut, while rotating hex shaft to
relieve spring tension.
"   !  +)   
If it becomes necessary to tow the machine, tow it
forward only and at a speed no greater than 10 mph.
04' ( 4*'3' 407+/) -+.+43 #2' '8%''&'& 3'6'2'
&#.#)' 40 4*' *9&2034#4+% 42#/3.+33+0/ .#9 0%%52
To Tow a disabled machine:
 Loosen and remove capscrews securing the drive
shaft to the engine drive coupler. Loosen capscrews
clamping drive shaft to transmission (Fig. 36). Remove
drive shaft.
+)52' 
 2+6' *#(4
.1024#/4 ( &2+6' 3*#(4 +3 /04 2'.06'& $'(02'
407+/) 4*' 42#/3.+33+0/ +/154 3*#(4 7+-- /04 $' #$-'
40 204#4' 4*53 /04 #--07+/) 4*' 42#/3.+33+0/ 40
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4*' *9&2034#4+% 42#/3.+33+0/ .#9 0%%52
 Attach a suitable chain, strap or cable to the center
of the front frame member (Fig. 37).
+)52' 
 '/4'2 0( 20/4 2#.' '.$'2
04' Lock both brake pedals together before towing.
 Attach the other end of the towing device to a
vehicle that is capable of towing the machine safely
and at speeds below 10 mph.
 An operator must be on the machine to steer it and
keep the traction pedal fully depressed in the forward
position while towing.
 When towing is completed, reinstall driveshaft as
shown in figure 36. The splines are designed to allow
assembly only when the two halves of the shaft are
properly oriented.
    +) 
The RM 5200-D / 5400-D is equipped with a
diagnostic light which indicates if the electronic
controller is functioning correctly. The green diagnostic
light is located under the control panel, next to the fuse
block. When the electronic controller is functioning
correctly and the key switch is moved to the ON
position, the controller diagnostic light will be
illuminated. The light will blink if the controller detects a
malfunction in the electrical system. The light will stop
blinking and automatically reset when the key switch is
turned to the OFF position.
+)52' 
 -'%420/+% 0/420--'2 +)*4
When the controller diagnostic light blinks, one of the
following problems has been detected by the
. One of the outputs has been shorted.
 One of the outputs is open circuited.