Operator's Manual

1.11 1.11
Handling and Storage of Fluids
Hydraulic Oil
- Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged contact with skin.
- Protective goggles should be worn when pouring.
- Use of gloves or barrier cream is recommended.
- Wash hands thoroughly after contact.
- Store under cover, away from heat and sources of ignition.
Lubricating Oil
- Avoid skin and eye contact.
- Wear impervious gloves when regular contact is likely and goggles when there is risk of splashing.
- Wash hands thoroughly after contact.
- Store in a cool dry well ventilated place away from heat and sources of ignition.
Maintenance and Storage
Take care when rotating a cutting cylinder as this can cause other cylinders to rotate.
When the machine is to be parked, stored or left unattended, lower the cutterheads to the ground or ensure
that they are correctly latched in the transport position with the safety locks engaged. Always engage the
tractor parking brake.
Keep all nuts, bolts, and screws tight to be sure the equipment is in safe working condition.
Replace worn or damaged parts for safety.
Ensure that all safety decals are properly secured and in good condition.
Be careful during adjustment of the machine to prevent entrapment of the ngers between moving blades and
xed parts of the machine.
Never dismantle the cutterheads or suspension unit without rst lowering the cutterheads to the ground, re-
leasing the hydraulic system pressure and ensuring that the tractor engine is turned off.
Never adjust the cutterheads in the raised position unless the transport latches and safety locks are engaged.
Avoid skin or eye contact with hydraulic uids. Wear protective clothing.
Leaking uids under pressure can penetrate the skin or eyes, causing serious injury. Always use a piece of
cardboard or paper when searching for leaks.
Disengage the PTO drive, change into neutral, set the tractor parking brake, stop the engine and remove the
ignition key. Block the mower securely and operate the mower handbrake before performing any service or
maintenance procedure.
Never allow anyone near the machine while performing any service or maintenance procedure.