BACKER BOARD 844-668-6420 www.tiliteusa.
BACKER BOARD tīLite Backer Board offers builders and tile contractors a strong, lightweight, waterproof, and vapor-resistant tile base for wet areas. It is an XPS foam panel manufactured with a waterproof proprietary blend of synthetic polymer mortar and an alkali resistant fiber mesh. This gives it a highly rigid structure and exceptional bonding strength.
BACKER BOARD Properties Standards Values Compressive Strength prependicular to surface ASTM D1621 50.50 psi Compressive Strength prependicular to cross section ASTM D1621 386.0 psi Tensile Strength ASTM D1623 75.30 psi Shear Strength ASTM 273 53.30 psi Flexural Strength ASTM C203 788 psi Nail Pull Resistance ASTM C473-10 Wet 313,8 PSI/Dry 668 psi Robinson Floor Test ASTM C627 Extra heavy duty & high impact use System Crack Resistance ANSI A 118.12, S 5.
844-668-6420 www.tiliteusa.