User Manual

Deep Set Ground Anchor
Self Stabilizing Anchor
Installation Instructions
1. Confirm soil classification using standard torque probe at 36" below ground surface, make certain
readings meet or exceed 350 in lbs. (Class 2 and 3 soils) at the depths of 12" & 36".
2. Clear loose vegetation where anchor will be installed. Install anchor vertically to its' full depth. Stabilizer
plate at the top of anchor must be fully embedded into soil.
3. Pull strap past anchor head and cut strap so that there is 12" to 15" of strap to wrap onto anchor bolt
insuring 4 to 5 wraps minimum.
4. Insert strap into anchor bolt flush with opposite side of bolt. Tighten bolt/strap until tight. Secure anchor
bolt with nut.
Install torque probe
to 30" depth in order
to confirm 525in. lb.
minimum torque value.
(Soil Class 2 & 3)
Install Anchor
Wrap strap onto tension
bolt (minimum 4-5 turns)
45˚ maximum (if angle
exceeds 45˚ attach
additional strap tie to
opposite frame)
This anchor model WILL NOT provide adequate holding power to meet design
wind load requirements in soils with a test probe reading lower than 350 inch
lbs. or if anchor is installed "In Line" with frame tie.
Do not use torque probe or install anchors until you have confirmed there are no
power lines, phone lines, cable lines, etc. beneath surface of installation area.
Anchors will not provide adequate wind storm protection unless installed as per installation instructions.
The Deep Set anchor has not been designed for use on exposure "D" homes within 1500 feet
of the coastline.
Important Notice to Installers
1. Anchors must be installed to their full depth, making sure stabilizer top plate is embedded into the soil
and flush with the ground.
2. Local codes, states laws, and federal regulations may vary. Installer is responsible for compliance with
all ordinances, codes, laws and other requirements.
3. The maximum working load on a single tie (or the maximum resultant working load of two ties)
connected to the stabilizer/anchor is 3150 pounds at 45 degrees from ground plane.

Summary of content (1 pages)