User's Manual

Using the Handset
Saving Search Results
From the “Business Listing” screen you can, by pressing the Save
softkey, place the listing into your Address Book.
Save To
Personal and Shared
Back Save
Business Listing
1537 West 86th St.
(317) 100 1111
0.4 miles
If you are not logged into your User
Prole, this screen will not appear.
When you are not logged into your
prole, the personal address book is
not available.
Mute Flash
Business Listing
1537 West 86th St.
(317) 100 1111
0.7 miles
317 100 1111
Mute Flash
Business Listing
1537 West 86th St.
(317) 100 1111
0.4 miles
317 100 1111
Back Save
Business Listing
1537 West 86th St.
(317) 100 1111
0.4 miles
Back Save
Business Listing
1537 West 86th St.
(317) 100 1111
0.4 miles
either screen can be used to dial
the number you just found in the
Yellow Pages search
press the green Talk button
to make the call from either
Pick which address book (described on page ??) you wish to save this
business listing into by highlighting it with the navkey.Conrmyour
choice by pressing the Selectkey.Youwillseeaconrmationscreen
that this has been done for you.
“Business Listing” you will only be able to save to the Personal and
Shared address book and the “Save To” screen will not appear.
Dialing Search Results
You can use the same “Business Listing” or the “Search Results”
screen to dial the number that you just found.
Use the navkey to highlight the number on the screen; press the Talk
(green key) and the call will be dialed.