Use and Care Guide

Page. 8
Never leave surface units unattended at high
settings. Boilovers cause smoking and greasy
spillovers that may ignite. Heat oils slowly on low
or medium settings.
Always turn hood ON when cooking at high heat
or when flambéing food (i.e. Crepes Suzette,
Cherries Jubilee, Peppercorn Beef Flambé).
Clean hood filters frequently. Grease should not
be allowed to accumulate on fan or filter.
Use proper pan size. Always use cookware
appropriate for the size of the burner.
NEVER use any part of the appliance for storage.
Flammable materials can catch fire and plastic items may
melt or ignite. DO NOT hang articles from any part of the
appliance. Some fabrics are quite flammable and may
catch on fire.
If the appliance is near a window, be certain the curtains
do not blow over or near the appliance burners; they
could catch on fire.
ALWAYS have a working smoke detector near the kitchen.
In the event that personal clothing or hair catches fire,
drop and roll immediately to extinguish flames.
Have an appropriate fire extinguisher available nearby,
highly visible, and easily accessible near the cooking
Smother flames from food fires, other than grease fires,
with baking soda. Never use water on cooking fires.
Whenever possible, do not operate the ventilation system
during a fire. However, DO NOT reach through fire to turn
it off.
NEVER let clothing, potholders, or other flammable
materials come in contact with or too close to any burner
or burner grate until it has cooled. Fabric may ignite and
result in personal injury.
Use only dry potholders: moist or damp potholders on hot
surfaces may cause burns from steam. DO NOT use a
towel or other bulky cloth in place of potholders. DO NOT
let potholders touch hot burners or burner grates.
For personal safety, wear proper apparel. Loose fitting
garments or hanging sleeves should never be worn while
using this appliance. Some synthetic fabrics are highly
flammable and should not be worn while cooking.
DO NOT use aluminum foil to line any part of the
appliance. Use of a foil liner could result in a shock or fire
hazard, or the obstruction of the flow of combustion and
ventilation air. Foil is an excellent heat insulator and heat
will be trapped beneath it. This will upset the cooking
performance and can damage the finish of the appliance.
The appliance is for cooking. Based on safety
considerations, never use the appliance to warm or
heat a room. Doing so may result in carbon monoxide
poisoning and overheating of the unit. Also, such use
can damage the appliance parts.
When using the appliance: DO NOT TOUCH THE
AREA. Areas adjacent to the burners may become hot
enough to cause burns.
Never leave the appliance unattended when using high
flame settings. Boil overs cause smoking and greasy
spillovers that may ignite. Also, if the burner flames and
igniter are smothered with spillage, unburned gas will
escape into the room. See page 5 regarding gas leaks.
Only certain types of glass, heatproof glass-ceramic,
ceramic, earthenware, or other glazed cookware are
suitable for cooking on the burners. This type of cookware
may break with sudden temperature changes. Use only on
low or medium heat settings according to the utensil
manufacturer’s directions.
DO NOT heat or warm unopened food containers. Build-
up of pressure may cause the container to burst and cause
During cooking, set the burner control so that the
flame heats only the bottom of the pan and does not
extend beyond the bottom of the pan. This instruction
is based on safety considerations.
Use caution to ensure that drafts like those from forced air
vents or fans do not blow flammable material toward the
flames or push the flames so that they extend beyond the
edges of the pot.
Always use pots and pans that have flat bottoms large
enough to cover the burner. The use of undersized pots
and pans could expose a portion of the flame and may
result in ignition of clothing.