User's Manual

Video Display Registers
4-61Video Display PortSPRU629
4.12.4 Video Display Horizontal Blanking Register (VDHBLNK)
The video display horizontal blanking register (VDHBLNK) controls the display
horizontal blanking. The VDHBLNK is shown in Figure 442 and described in
Table 49.
Every time the frame pixel counter (FPCOUNT) is equal to HBLNKSTART,
HBLNK is asserted. HBLNKSTART also determines where the EAV code is
inserted in the BT.656 and Y/C output.
Every time FPCOUNT = HBLNKSTOP, the HBLNK signal is deasserted (this
is shown in Figure 45, page 4-6). In BT.656 and Y/C modes, HBLNKSTOP
determines the SAV code insertion point and HBLNK deassertion point. The
HBLNK inactive edge may optionally be delayed by 4 pixel clocks using the
HBDLA bit.
Figure 442. Video Display Horizontal Blanking Register (VDHBLNK)
31 28 27 16
R-0 R/W-0
15 14 12 11 0
R/W-0 R-0 R/W-0
Legend: R = Read only; R/W = Read/Write; -n = value after reset