
Table 4-5. Device Control Base Address Register Description
31:12 ADDRESS R or RW Memory Address. The memory address field for XIO2001 uses 20 read/write bits indicating
that 4096 bytes of memory space are required. While less than this is actually used, typical
systems will allocate this space on a 4K boundary. If the BAR0_EN bit (bit 5 at C8h) is ‘0’,
then these bits are read-only and return zeros when read. If the BAR0_EN bit is ‘1’, then
these bits are read/write.
11:4 RSVD R Reserved. These bits are read-only and return 00h when read.
3 PRE_FETCH R Prefetchable. This bit is read-only 0b indicating that this memory window is not prefetchable.
2:1 MEM_TYPE R Memory type. This field is read-only 00b indicating that this window can be located anywhere
in the 32-bit address space.
0 MEM_IND R Memory space indicator. This field returns 0b indicating that memory space is used.
4.11 Primary Bus Number Register
This read/write register specifies the bus number of the PCI bus segment that the PCI Express interface is
connected to.
PCI register offset: 18h
Register type: Read/Write
Default value: 00h
BIT NUMBER 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RESET STATE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4.12 Secondary Bus Number Register
This read/write register specifies the bus number of the PCI bus segment that the PCI interface is
connected to. The bridge uses this register to determine how to respond to a type 1 configuration
PCI register offset: 19h
Register type: Read/Write
Default value: 00h
BIT NUMBER 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RESET STATE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4.13 Subordinate Bus Number Register
This read/write register specifies the bus number of the highest number PCI bus segment that is
downstream of the bridge. The bridge uses this register to determine how to respond to a type 1
configuration transaction.
PCI register offset: 1Ah
Register type: Read/Write
Default value: 00h
BIT NUMBER 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RESET STATE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
48 Classic PCI Configuration Space Copyright © 2009–2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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