User's Manual

SWRU359CSeptember 2013Revised January 2014
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About This Manual
This user's guide describes how to use the TI WL1835MODCOM8B board to evaluate the performance of
the TI WL18MODGB module.
Related Documentation From Texas Instruments
TI WiLink8 Single-Band Combo Module Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and BLE (SWRS152)
WiLink 8 Wiki:
If You Need Assistance
The primary sources of WL18MODGB information are the device-specific data sheets and user’s guides.
For the most up-to-date version of the user’s guide and data sheets, go to
The WL1835MODCOM8B board is tested to comply with ETSI/R&TTE over temperatures from –20 to
This board should not be modified to operate in other frequency bands other than what they are designed
FCC Licensing Requirements for EVM’s Wifi and Bluetooth Radio Module:
For evaluation only; not FCC approved for resale. This kit is designed to allow:
1. Product developers to evaluate electronic components, circuitry, or software associated with the kit to
determine whether to incorporate such items in a finished product
2. Software developers to write software applications for use with the end product. This kit is not a
finished product and when assembled may not be resold or otherwise marketed unless all required
FCC equipment authorizations are first obtained. Operation is subject to the condition that this product
not cause harmful interference to licensed radio stations and that this product accept harmful
interference. Unless the assembled kit is designed to operate under part 15, part 18, or part 95 of this
chapter, the operator of the kit must operate under the authority of an FCC license holder or must
secure an experimental authorization under part 5 of this chapter.”
Per TI’s Regulatory Compliance Information located in the WL1835ModCOMB8A User’s Guide’s
“Evaluation Board/Kit/Module (EVM) Additional Terms,” this EVM cannot be used for production purposes
and is explicitly restricted from end-product introduction.
Use of this EVM requires the developer to provide a minimum distance of at least 20 cm from the antenna
to all persons in order to minimize risk of potential radiation hazards.
Industry Canada Licensing Requirements:
The radio module is Industry Canada certified, but does not apply to the EVM. This EVM is not authorized
for sale or use inCanada unless special provisions are arranged between developer and Industry Canada.
Do not leave the EVM powered when unattended.
SWRU359CSeptember 2013Revised January 2014 Preface
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