
3.21.13 Outputs and Data Rates Select Register
Address 0Dh
Default 47h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved YCbCr output CbCr code YCbCr data path bypass YCbCr output format
code range format
YCbCr output code range
0 = ITU-R BT.601 coding range (Y ranges from 16 to 235. U and V range from 16 to 240)
1 = Extended coding range (Y, U, and V range from 1 to 254) (default)
CbCr code format
0 = Offset binary code (2s complement + 128) (default)
1 = Straight binary code (2s complement)
YCbCr data path bypass
00 = Normal operation (default)
01 = Decimation filter output connects directly to the YCbCr output pins. This data is similar to the
digitized composite data, but the HBLANK area is replaced with ITU-R BT.656 digital blanking.
10 = Digitized composite (or digitized S-video luminance). ADC output connects directly to YCbCr
output pins.
11 = Reserved
YCbCr output format
000 = 8-bit 4:2:2 YCbCr with discrete sync output
001 = Reserved
010 = Reserved
011 = Reserved
100 = Reserved
101 = Reserved
110 = Reserved
111 = 8-bit ITU-R BT.656 interface with embedded sync output (default)
Copyright © 20072011, Texas Instruments Incorporated Functional Description 39
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